See SilkPeel in action
Older traditional microdermabrasion sprays crystals (usually aluminium oxide or sodium bicarbonate) onto the treatment site. Overspray limits use around the eyes and mouth and stray particles in hair and clothing can make this a messy procedure. There is also a risk of inhaling particles.
SilkPeel differs from microdermabrasion in that it uses a patented technology to combine gentle, medical grade diamond-tip exfoliation with the infusion of highly concentrated topical solutions, leaving the treated areas smoother, brighter and refreshed in under an hour and with no downtime.
SilkPeel Dermalinfusion treatments are non-invasive mechanical exfoliation treatments designed to remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells.
The patent-pending treatment head applies even negative pressure while the medical grade diamond tip mechanically exfoliates the stratum corneum (uppermost layer of skin, a collection of deep skin cells that becomes more heaped up with maturity and sun damage). This carefully controlled abrasion stimulates healthy skin rejuvenation.
The even exfoliation – or abrasion – of the upper skin layer also permits uniform delivery of a treatment solution based on your specific skin type.
The SilkPeel may be recommended for the treatment of:
The dermal infusion is specifically chosen according to your skin type.
SilkPeel Skin-Specific Dermaceuticals
The entire treatment typically takes 20 - 30 minutes.
No. You can return immediately to normal activities.
While you may see visible results after the first treatment, lasting and more significant results will be seen after 5 treatments spaced 7 to 10 days apart, supplemented by a daily post-care routine.
We most commonly combine this with IPL photorejuvenation. A SilkPeel immediately before IPL boosts the effect of photorejuvenation about 15%.