Morpheus8 AccuTite Facial Filler Revolumization SoftLift Juvederm Volume Replacement Neuromodulators Botox ®/Newtox IPL Photo-Rejuvenation Clear + Brilliant Non-Surgical Rejuvenation Hand Rejuvenation Earlobe Rejuvenation Lip Rejuvenation/Lip Flip Aquagold Rejuvenation Laser Hair Removal Leg Vein Treatment Facial Redness and Flushing Chemical Peels SilkPeel Latisse Belkyra for Double Chin Thermage PRP for Hair Loss Biostimulators
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What is Morpheus8 (M8)?
M8 microneedling Radiofrequency (RF) is an energy enhanced fractional procedure for achieving smoother, firmer, tighter and younger looking skin.

How does Morpheus8 work?
Morpheus8 triggers precisely controlled induction of the skin's self-repair mechanism by creating micro "injuries" with thin gold plated needles that apply radiofrequency deeply into the skin and adjacent tissue. Intervening skin is left intact, which allows for rapid healing.
Newer generation M8 microneedles are also insulated above the treatment tips to protect the epidermis (upper skin layer) from unwanted pigment change and scarring.
This treatment also rejuvenates skin by heating the dermis leading to more abundant fresh collagen and elastic/elastin.
Skin cells normally turn over on a regular basis. M8 treatment stimulates and improves this cell refreshing process. It also strengthens the supportive (lifting) fibro-septal network which contributes to the lift seen in before and after photos.

INMODE plastic surgery consultant Dr. Subbio explains M8.

Image of lady and morpheus8 logo

What areas can be treated?
The most commonly treated areas are face and neck.
It can also benefit the chest, abdomen and other small body parts such as upper inner arms and above the knees.



Morpheus8 before and after image
Morpheus8 before and after image
Morpheus8 before and after image
Morpheus8 before and after image
Morpheus8 before and after image

Precise setting adjustment can also melt smaller superficial collections of fat such as under the chin (‘double chin’) and just above the naso-labial folds (nose to corner lip smile lines).

Morpheus8 before and after image

photos courtesy: Dr. J. Hellman

Morpheus8 before and after image
Morpheus8 before and after image
Morpheus8 before and after image
Morpheus8 before and after image
Morpheus8 before and after image

Although many see some early improvement within weeks, collagen remodelling takes longer and treatment result should not be judged for 3 months. Some notice further improvement by the 6 month mark.

Who is a candidate?
Morpheus8 is appropriate for all skin tones.
This treatment can be used to improve:

What to expect during and immediately after M8 treatment
Treatment of one area is normally completed within 30-60 minutes. A full face, including eyes, and neck session is scheduled for 2 hours and may take as little as an hour and a half. Our clinic preference is to carefully use advanced device settings for better results. To ensure patient comfort we apply numbing cream for 45 minutes prior to treatment.

Treatment consists of 3 sessions of Morpheus8, four to 6 weeks apart, otherwise results will be suboptimal.

Adjunctive procedures to further enhance appearance can be considered, such as neuromodulator (Botox or equivalent), filler and IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) and even PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma for optimal growth factors). If considering filler, we strongly recommend scheduling filler after Morpheus8 treatments are completed. Ongoing daily sunscreening to mitigate further sun damage is highly recommended.

Although prior treatment with topical Retin- A can prime your skin to respond better to new skin synthesis, you should stop this and other ‘active’ topicals such as glycolic and salicylic acids, vitamin C and scrubs 3 days before Morpheus 8 (and not to be resumed until at least 3rd day post). For faster recovery and better results, we recommend Alastin (Tri-Hex technology) Nectar application twice daily starting 3 weeks before your first session.

For those first few days post treatment we recommend a very bland regimen (i.e., Toleriane cleanser and Aquaphor ointment). Supplementing the Morpheus8 treatment with Alastin (as directed) Tri-Hex technology will enhance the upregulation of the collagen and elastic elements of your skin.1

Effects of Morpheus8 Radiofrequency Micro-needling
Immediately post treatment, the site will be significantly swollen with local anesthetic volume. In most patients the swelling resolves by 24 hours (48 hours in a minority). When the eye area is treated, this local anesthetic volume is likely to temporarily decrease peripheral vision such that you should not drive yourself home.
After the procedure, your skin will be red and flushed in appearance, similar to a moderate sunburn. You may also experience skin tightness and mild sensitivity to touch on the area being treated. A mild burning sensation is usually noted for 1 or a few hours. This is minimized by applications of Aquaphor healing ointment (purchase at pharmacy).
Skin redness is expected to diminish greatly by 24-72 hours following the treatment. There may be peeling of the skin in some people in certain areas of the face which were treated. With radiofrequency, mild swelling is normal and should dissipate within 24-72 hours. Generally, skin will return to a near-normal appearance by 3 days. Short term pinkness or redness of the skin where the treatment is performed is common. Micro-bruising and a sandpaper like texture to the skin is normal, usually lasting 2-7 days, however some cases have lasted 2-4 weeks (uncommon). This sandpaper (and, in some, a faint Braille-like pattern irregularity) is more likely to be seen on the lower neck and treatment sites below the neck.

Precautions and Warnings / Morpheus8 Micro-needling Radiofrequency
Although Morpheus8 is appropriate for all skin tones, a more conservative approach must be taken with darker skin types.
Precautions must be taken in the following conditions and circumstances: autoimmune disorders, scleroderma, history of keloid scarring, recent retinoid (Retin-A) treatment, active acne, rosacea or other inflammatory condition; open wounds; history of facial outbreaks such as herpes simplex where medications must be taken per doctor’s instructions; metal allergies or skin allergies; skin rashes; facelift or eye lift surgery in the last year; dermabrasion, deep chemical peels or any surgical procedure on the treatment area within previous 3 months; recent sunburn and tanned skin.

How long will results last?
When addressing concerns such as loose or crepey skin, maintenance treatments are recommended every 12 months. If desired, maintenance treatments every 4 - 6 months to maintain results are possible.
The degree of improvement varies with each individual. Stretchmarks may not require maintenance treatments.

  1. Widgerow AD, Fabi SG, Palestine RF, et al. Extracellular Matrix Modulation: Optimizing Skin Care and Rejuvenation Procedures. J Drugs Dermatol. 2016;15(4 Suppl):s63–s71.